The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I thought I was going to love it (especially because I loved the gifts of imperfect parenting) but I just... Didn't. I made a lot of highlights in the first half (before the guideposts), but I feel like they were things which were not really the point of the book.
Now this is probably going to sound ... I don't know, uppity or something, but I felt like she wasn't really telling me anything I didn't already know or hadn't already figured out and begun to practice. I guess it was good acknowledgement that the way I've been striving to love is a good one, based on her research. I would definitely recommend the book to some people (and have done already), but for me, it just wasn't this all-insightful, life-altering, motivating experience I had expected it to be. It didn't really give me many new insights or tools for how to go about living this life. But again, I've done a ton of self-work in the past 3-4 years, so for someone just starting on the path to authenticity and wholeheartedness, this book may well be a good starting point.
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